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Autism Family Foundation

Until all limited edition buttons are sold out, I am hosting a drive to raise funds for the Autism Family Foundation in celebration of Autism Awareness Month & Day (April 2). Buttons are still available at this time with all profits going directly to AFF.


The Autism Family Foundation works to provide assistance and programs for families of autistic individuals in our local communities of Aurora & the Fox Valley. Because of COVID19, events and fundraisers for 2020 were suspended. So, the awesome mom and founder of the AFF, Wanda, used the resources to provide direct holiday assistance to 47 special needs families by delivering presents to their homes for 98 kids! Learn more.

My Superpowers Foundation

Until all limited edition decals are sold out (and only a few remain!), I am hosting a drive to raise funds for the My Super Powers Foundation in celebration of Mental Health Awareness Month. 


The My Super Powers Foundation was created to help meet the social emotional needs of children in underserved areas through classes, books, and events. “We are committed to building confidence and building inclusive communities."


"There is little that is more beautiful than a happy child. Through my company, Stacey M Design, for years it has been my mission to put smiles on the faces of kids by helping them understand that they are amazing just as they are. When I came up with the idea of the My Super Powers! Foundation, my goal was to help even more kids by giving them opportunities to contribute to the community and helping them own their power. I am thrilled about this journey."- Stacey Montgomery, founder and board member. Learn more.

Ups For DownS

I am hosting a drive to raise funds for UPS For DownS until sold out, in support of this parent directed, non-profit organization offering support, education, and encouragement for parents, families and others who love and care about persons with Down syndrome. They inspire community acceptance by sharing with others the presence, potential and abilities of people with Down syndrome.

"As parents, we don’t know what we don’t know; we journey together and help one another form our questions and ask them out loud"

UPS for DownS was started in the Chicago area over 35 years ago. The organization prides itself on being run and organized entirely by volunteers - mostly parents and family members. We reach far beyond the metro Chicago area, and provide trainings, education, information and community opportunities. We seek to create worlds and communities that are diverse, welcoming and inclusive. Learn more.

GiGi's Playhouse Fox Valley

I am hosting a drive to raise funds for GiGi's Playhouse Fox Valley in celebration of World Down Syndrome Day, March 21st. This organization is very close to my heart, being the first group to extend a hand when our sweet Lorelai was born in 2013 to two inexperienced and intimidated parents.


GiGi's Playhouse works to change lives through consistent delivery of free educational, therapeutic-based and career development programs for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community, through a replicable playhouse model. Because of COVID19, they had to suspend 4,400 hours a week of FREE therapeutic and educational programs to families. Families and playhouses were devastated, but GiGi’s bounced back. Over 28+ live programs each week are available or 200+ on-demand programs are now available. Learn more.


(Current available decals have a clear background.)

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